The Holiday Season

Many people see November and December as the holiday season but up here at Saint Mike's we have our own holiday season. It started last Tuesday with Free Cone Day. Every year Ben &Jerry's gives out free ice cream at all their scoop shops. I went into Burlington with Lisa in between classes on Tuesday and was able to get two free ice creams. We actually had enough time to get three but we both decided that two was enough. Some years the Ben & Jerry's truck even makes it's way to campus so that we don't have to go downtown.

This past Sunday was Earth Fest which kicks off Green Up's Earth Week. I had been planning for this event since January so it was really nice to see it all come together. Will Evans, who graduated from Saint Mike's performed and there was all kinds of local food that people could have for free. We had grass-fed burgers, ice cream and a bike that you could ride in order to blend up a smoothy. I was outside grilling the whole time but I heard that the event went really well.

Next Thursday is the spring concert. Macklemore is coming so it's bound to be a great show! After seeing his performance on the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday I got even more pumped for the show. He has so much energy and I'm sure he will make the crowd get pumped up.

The next day is the MLK Talent Show which is always a good time. People line up hours ahead of time in order to get good seats. Last year someone did an acoustic cover of Sexy and I Know It which was hilarious.

Then on Saturday we have the biggest holiday of the year, P-Day. I along with many others actually think that it's better than Christmas. It stands for Preparation Day and is a way for us to relax before finals. There are all kinds of inflatables, free food, a comedian, late knight breakfast and a trike race. I tend to wake up around 8:00 since I get too excited to sleep in. I'll be sure to do another post later on with pictures from some of these events.


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