Finals Week
Some people get extremely stressed during finals week but for me it's always the best week of the year. The weather tends to be nice and I always have lots of free time since I tend to not need much time for studying. Our last day of classes was last Wednesday. Thursday was a study day which for me meant going to the beach, and making s'mores once it got dark. It was a great day! Friday I actually had a final so I spent the morning studying but as soon as I got done it was back to being outside then I went into Burlington for dinner. Yesterday was Derby day here at SMC. Every year on the day of the Kentucky Derby everyone gets dressed up and goes out to the three's field for our own derby. People get picked as either a jockey or a horse. The horse basically gives the jockey a piggy back ride and they race around the field. It only lasts a few minutes but people get really into it and it's kind of nice to see everyone all dressed up. This year we decided to go to North...